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Things we’ve been up to…. And you?

Updated: Jul 8, 2020

These are weird and wonderful times:  weird with the whole Covid-19 adjustment; wonderful with the abundance of creativity Paul and I have been noticing, and engaging in.

So, what have you been doing?  Here’s what we’ve been up to, and let’s just say right off the bat, that Paul is clearly waaay more disciplined than me.  Not faster, necessarily, just more disciplined.  I work very well to real deadlines but self-imposed ones?  Not so much.

1. Paul gathered up the super-8 films that he shot with his family in the ‘70’s and converted them to digital format so that his children can delight their children with scenes of playing in the backyard, water skiing at the lake, parties with grandparents.

2. I decided to dip my toe into the sourdough bread waters. Paul also did but lost patience and threw it out, something I thought of many times, as well. However, perseverance prevailed and I've enjoyed a plain loaf, some banana bread, and today's effort, pistachio and cranberry. I must say though, that my children did not receive the amount of attention this sourdough 'baby', did. I think it may go into the fridge for a few days and just sit.

3. Delores, Paul’s partner, has been knitting what’s become her ‘Covid Blanket’.  I think it was to be a throw for one of the grands, but if the self isolation goes much longer, it may be a carpet.

4. Walks and bike rides.  I know Delores has been taking some really long walks, back on the “B” Line, and Paul has been racking up the clicks on his bike.  I keep my walks to town, exploring the laneways and walking along the trails that are still available for walks, and around Fairy Lake, with my little hound.

5. I think we’ve all upped our technology game with new ways of visiting with friends and family via

phone, WhatsApp, FaceTime, Zoom and the plethora of platforms that are at our finger tips.  I know my siblings and Mom (who’s 90 and very tech savvy), have been enjoying Sunday dinners where one of us sets a menu and then we all prepare the same thing, sit down, turn on Zoom and eat and visit for two hours.  As we’re spread out across the country, this has proven to be really terrific.

As we enter May, we are cautiously optimistic that the curve is flattening and we can look forward to warm and sunny days ahead. 

Do be well, stay safe, and together, but still apart, we’ll muddle on.

Cheers, for now,

Paul and Lisa

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